
Hi, I’m Charly, the author of Rebel Badge Book. I used to be a Guide and a Scout, and I loved getting Merit Badges. And then I became an adult, and realised there weren’t any badges I could get any more. So I’ve created a book full of them! Reclaim your youth, get creative, become a better world citizen, embrace the outdoors, and learn some adult skills along the way. And the best part? There are physical badges you can collect as you go!

Charly Lester with Rebel Badge Book

Rebel Badge Book is made of 52 different badges, and corresponding syllabuses that you have to complete, to get the badge. In November 2022 a second follow-on book was release - Rebel Badge Book Volume Two (it has a green and purple cover)

The topics are many and varied (check out the list below!) spanning Crafts, Hobbies, Sports, Wellness, the Outdoors, and lots more!

Once you’ve got the book, come and join our Facebook Group - Rebel Badge Club - for inspiration and support from other Rebels, and to keep yourself accountable.

I get asked a lot what the book contains - as there is so much variety, it’s hard to sum up the book in a few pictures, but if you click on some of the pages of the Blog, you’ll get an idea for the level of complexity of the badges. The badges are designed to take between 1 month and 6 months each. Some people do one badge at a time, others dip in and out of others, others are trying to do every single badge. The choice is yours - make the most of your spare time, and spend some time doing things you can’t normally find time for. Still got questions? Check our FAQs.

The 52 badges in the Book One are

Activist, Adulting, Adventurer, Animal Lover, Apothecary, Artist, Baker, Camper, Chef, Codebreaker, Community Service, Conscious Consumer, Craft, Critic, Dancer, Designer, Diarist, DIY, Emergency Helper, Entrepreneur, Environmentalist, Event Planner, Explorer, Fitness, Florist, Fundraiser, Gardener, Good Habits, Indoor Gardener, Interior Designer, Investor, Linguist, Mechanic, Mindfulness, Money Saver, Musician, My Brand, My Goals, My Roots, My Style, My Talents, Outdoor Cook, Photographer, Reader, Runner, Self Care, Stargazer, Survivor, Water Sports, Wild Swimmer, World Traveller & Writer.

The 52 badges in the Book Two are

Advanced Adulting, Advanced Camper, Advanced Community Service, Advanced Crafter, Advanced Reader, Advanced Self Care, Advanced Writer, Athlete, Board Games, Brain Games, Builder, Circus Skills, Coder, Confectioner, Craft Part Two, Cyclist, Detective, Entertainer, Farmer, Film Critic, Foodie, Forager, Gamer, Geocacher, Glamper, Global Citizen, Historian, Inventor, Journalist, Mixologist, Music Lover, My Collection, My Passion, My People, My Powers, My Story, Nature Lover, Observer, Palaeontologist, Politician, Rebel Buddy, Rebel History, Scientist, Scrapbooker, Sign Language, Skater Sommelier, Swimmer, Theatre Critic, TV Critic & Walker.

We also have new badges and quarterly challenges - which you can find on the Rebel Badge Book Blog.

Some of the Rebel Badges